

Chrysovalantou Kalaitzidou

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Female Code Lab

Take home message

Unlock your programming potential with the two-day workshop, Female Code Lab!

# Let's Python!
print("Discover the power of Python programming and empower yourself in the world of technology. Join us in learning Python, a versatile language for scientific research and data analysis. Let's embark on this journey together!")

Continue exploring our work and let's take action together...

Female Code Lab is a feminist programming workshop aimed at all women (over 18 years old) interested in sharpening their digital skills by learning the Python and R programming languages. The workshop will be held online on December 15th and 16th, 2021!

During the two days of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to attend programming and coding courses to gain basic knowledge, familiarize themselves for the first time with this aspect of technology, so that they have the opportunity to understand what programming and coding are, where they are useful and what career opportunities they offer to people with relevant knowledge, and ultimately to be digitally empowered! No prior programming experience is required. The seminar is designed specifically for absolute beginners.

Female Code Lab is co-organized by DATAWO, Greek Women in STEM, Greek Girls Code, and Girls in Tech – Greece. The workshop organizers are respectively:

DATAWO - Anastasia Karagianni
Greek Women in STEM - Chrysovalantou Kalaitzidou
Girls In Tech – Greece - Dr. Vassia Stefanou
Greek Girls Code - Dr. Aspasia Destouni, Elpida Vountzoulaki, Dr. Evangelia Balatsou



Discover the World of Python: Introduction to Programming

Introduction to Python: Dive into the world of programming starting with the basics of algorithmic logic, which will help you develop problem-solving skills as a programmer. We will then explore Python, a powerful and beginner-friendly language. We'll examine its capabilities and applications in various fields, learning its syntax and fundamental structures. Finally, we'll see simple examples of how to use it in practice through interactive exercises and real-world applications, ensuring you gain a comprehensive understanding of Python. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, this seminar is designed to introduce you to the world of technology. Don't miss this opportunity to turn your passion for technology into practical skills and connect with other tech enthusiasts!

Instructor: Chrysovalantou Kalaitzidou

Chrysovalantou is a doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg in the field of Computational Engineering. She holds a B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Crete, specializing in Bioinformatics (M.Sc.) from the Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program in Bioinformatics of the Medical School of the University of Crete and the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH). She is also a Chief Editor and Project Manager at Greek Women in STEM, an organization dedicated to promoting and supporting Greek women in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine).